Oregon Cultural Trust


Give your donation to the MJCC even more impact! Double your gift for free!

MJCC is a participating member of the Oregon Cultural Trust. When you use Oregon’s cultural tax credit, you DOUBLE your support of culture at NO additional cost to you. If you contribute to the MJCC, you become a cultural donor. Cultural donors can save up to $500 for individuals, $1,000 for married couples or $2,500 for corporations on Oregon taxes.

Here’s how:

  • By December 31 each year, match your cultural contributions and memberships (to MJCC and other participating members) with a gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust.
  • When you file your state tax return, claim your Trust donation as a cultural tax credit to reduce your Oregon tax bill by 100% of your gift to the Cultural Trust. It’s that easy!

Check out www.culturaltrust.org. Help two great Oregon institutions with your donation!


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