The Mittleman Jewish Community Center is a proud beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland and is proud of our partnership with them in strengthening our local Jewish community and greater Portland community.

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Lifeguarding Course

Take our American Red Cross lifeguarding class* and get on the path to employment in our awesome Aquatics Department! Open to everyone ages 15 and up!

Upcoming Lifeguard Class:

Watch for new class coming...


  • Jump into deep water and competently swim 150 continuous yards freestyle and/or breaststroke (with face in water between breaths), stop and tread water for 2 minutes with no hands, then swim another 50 yards.
  • Without goggles, swim 20 yards, dive 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10lb brick, return to start on back with both hands on brick and exit pool without using ladder/stairs in under 1 minute and 40 seconds.

Prerequisite testing will take place at the beginning of the first class. Students who do not pass the prerequisites may not continue in the class and will not be eligible for a refund.

*American Red Cross guards own their own certification and can guard at any pool that uses Red Cross guards. Ready to apply to be a lifeguard? Click here.